The role of Spirituality in Recovery

Eligible CEU Credits
CACCF: 1 credits
MDPAC: 0 credits
CCPA: 1 credits
CVRP: 0 credits
HRPA: 0 credits
CPHR BC & Yukon: 0 credits
CPHR Alberta: 0 credits
CPHR Manitoba: 0 credits
CPHR Nova Scotia: 0 credits

With Colette Currin, MA, RP (Q), CCAC, VP EHN Guardians

We are all too familiar with the biopsychosocial theories of addiction and its treatment. We also share a commitment to employing research-based modalities and measured outcomes that confirm their efficacy. But how do we account for meaning and purpose? What on earth is a spiritual awakening? Is surrendering power truly powerlessness? We will explore the radical simplicity of our presence and attempt to understand the wisdom inherent in the 12-step model. Not because it’s the only spiritual recipe, but because it remains one of the most effective programs to complement therapeutic practice.

Date: Thurs., August 22, 2024
Time: 12pm – 1pm EST

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining the elusive concept of spirituality.
  • Exploring the wisdom tradition of the 12-Step Model as well as research findings.
  • The link between spiritual practice and psychological flexibility. 

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming webinar. We have a maximum capacity of 1000 registrants, and once this limit is reached, registration will be closed.

The content presented in this webinar was accurate at time of broadcast.