The Concept of Post-Traumatic Stress – The Past, The Present, The Future

Eligible CEU Credits
CACCF: 1 credits
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CPHR Nova Scotia: 0 credits

With Dr. Rakesh Jetly and Colette Currin

As Remembrance Day approaches, let us dedicate a moment to contemplate the knowledge acquired over the past century about the effects of psychological trauma on our soldiers and veterans. From the era of Shell Shock to our modern understanding of PTSD, we have evolved from the misconceptions of the disorder to recognizing it as a legitimate illness. The speakers will also talk about the future of PTSD treatment and potential advancements. 

Join us Thursday, November 16, 2023, between 12-1 pm EST as Dr. Rakesh Jetly and Colette Currin have a candid conversation about the history of PTSD and how it has evolved and is still evolving. 


  • The history of post-traumatic stress and its treatment, from Shell Shock to PTSD
  • Our understanding of PTSD and its impact on military and veterans 
  • Explore new frontiers in research and the future of PTSD treatment approaches

Date: November 16, 2023 – 12pm ET, 9am PT

Duration: 1-hour (45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A)


The Most Common Symptoms of Psychological Trauma

Our sessions include live closed captions generated by Zoom software.

The content presented in this webinar was accurate at time of broadcast.