Recovery Is Sweet at Cake Night  

Every month across the country, we welcome our alumni to share their inspiring stories of recovery – and some cake. Here’s what three of our alumni had to say about why they love coming back. 

Those in recovery have two birthdays: their biological birthday and a unique second birthday—the day they started a new life in recovery from addiction or a mental health disorder. And what better way than to celebrate with cake? 

Every month at our facilities across the country, the EHN Canada Alumni Association hosts Cake Night. It’s a celebration of sobriety, hope, and community. Our alumni are invited to share their stories, inspire others, and celebrate their hard-earned recovery. We spoke with three of our alumni about why coming to Cake Night each month is so important to them. Here’s what they had to say.  

Nigel Comes to Find Peace

Nigel’s struggle with alcohol addiction first brought him to treatment 30 years ago, but he admits that his sobriety didn’t last because he came in for the wrong reasons.

He returned to treatment in September of 2023 and has been a staple of the EHN Canada Alumni Association ever since. 

Reflecting on the importance of Cake Night, he says, “The first month I was here I was introduced to Cake Night. And what I liked about it was the fact that there were people coming in here, who were alumni, that were showing us that the program here does work. And it’s a lot of fun…cake is always good!” 

Nigel often referenced his past at Bellwood, saying, “When I came here, I really was a broken person.”  

Nigel is doing much better now post-treatment, saying “I’m at peace with myself. I go to sleep every night. I put my head on the pillow, and I fall asleep instead of tossing and turning. The misery and the fear that I used to live in is gone.” 

Today, his presence at Cake Night is inspiration to those working through their own recovery.  

Julia Comes for Motivation

Julia came to EHN Bellwood Toronto in September 2022 for our Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) program. As the world was still in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, she began treatment in quarantine and, as a result, there were no Cake Nights at the time.  

Julia notes that EHN Bellwood Toronto provided her with what she was missing in her previous attempts at treating OCD.  

She says, “It’s better than I could have imagined. I tried everything at the point I came here. I tried medication and I tried therapy for years, but nothing was helping the way that I wanted it to. And then I came here, and it was mind-blowing. It was life-changing.” 

After completing treatment, Julia didn’t immediately engage with the alumni community. However, she noticed that prioritizing Cake Night, the OCD support group, and the EHN Canada Alumni Association made her much happier and more motivated. 

When asked about what Cake Night means to her, she says, “I call this my little serotonin boost of the month” and mentioned how seeing proof of change in those who were struggling is an amazing motivator for her.  

Josh Comes for Celebration

For Josh, Cake Night is more than a celebration; it is also an opportunity. Being able to bring those who have been in recovery for many years together with those who are newly sober is a unique experience that you can only get through the power of community.  

When asked why he attends Cake Night, Josh responds, “I come to Cake Night to celebrate…sort of. [I’m here to] honour our milestones through how long we focus on staying sober and fighting the urge to drink again.” 

When asked about the difference treatment made in his life, Josh admits, “When I first came here, I wasn’t a really nice person. But then after going to classes and learning what the influence of alcohol and drugs do to you it kind of knocks sense into you, why you behave that way…I don’t want to see people the way I was.”  

He knows firsthand how isolating addiction can feel and is there for those that need someone to talk to.  

“We’re not always alone and we don’t have to just do it by ourselves, he says,” The main key is the connection, helping each other.” 

Hear more about Cake Night and what it means to our alumni in this video.

Supporting You On Your Journey

Recovery is a lifelong journey. Whether it’s been one day or 30 years, we’re here every step of the way. 

To learn more about our alumni events and resources, visit the EHN Canada Alumni Association page.

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