OHIP Covered Addiction Services

While the majority of EHN Bellwood Toronto is private, there are twelve subsidized spots for those suffering with addiction, with coverage provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to those that qualify. Subsidized services are available to those who are Ontario residents with valid OHIP cards, suffering from a substance use disorder. Those seeking subsidized services who are not Ontario residents may be able to do so with the assistance of their provincial health care plan. Subsidized beds do not include aftercare. 

All programs at EHN Bellwood Toronto require individuals to be 18 years of age or older. Eligibility for specific programs can be determined by our Admissions team who are available from 8 am to 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, seven days a week.

For inquiries regarding EHN Bellwood Toronto’s OHIP Covered Program, please contact us.

Phone: 1-866-505-1939
Email: ohipservices@bellwood.ca

Funding Opportunities for Out-of-Province Clients

Individuals from other provinces may be eligible for funded treatment at EHN Bellwood Toronto. In order to learn more about how your provincial health plan can assist you with funding services, please contact your personal healthcare provider.