Contact EHN Canada

You can get in touch by calling 1-866-963-6343 or by filling the form below. For professional referrals, click here.

Want to share your feedback? 

If you’re an alum, a referent, or a visitor and watch your share feedback on your experience with EHN Canada, we would love to hear from you.

Your feedback helps us to constantly improve our service. 

Facilities in All Available Provinces

girl from the back on a laptop

We take care of you

Not quite sure?


We know that seeking help for addiction or a mental health concern can be daunting. These are the questions we get asked the most. If you need further assistance, you can always talk to someone from our team directly via phone or live chat.

  • How do you measure outcomes?

    Outcome measures are administered at intake, during treatment and post-treatment phase to ensure we are achieving the best possible outcome for each patient’s recovery. This includes the use of GAIN-SS, PHQ-9, LDQ, GAD-7, OQ45, OQASC.

  • Am I able to be informed about ongoing patient progress?

    Provided we have informed consent, our team will collaborate and communicate with you while your patient, client, or employee is in our care and can be available for case-conference calls to discuss post-treatment recommendations. We can provide regular progress reports and a discharge summary upon completion of treatment.

  • Do you include both evidence-based approaches and a 12-step philosophy in treatment?

    Yes! At EHN Canada, we understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to recovery. As new approaches and research emerges, we want to be at the forefront of innovation to make sure we are delivering the best care possible to our patients. At the same time, we still uphold the proven methods that continue to help people on a daily basis, including 12-step programs. We are always working to make sure that treatment is effective and personalized for each individual.

  • Is coverage and funding available for your programs?

    We work closely with our referents and patients to navigate their insurance policy and to explore any coverage or funding options that are available. We also have financing options through our partners at Medicard that can be explored.

  • I would like to learn more about EHN Canada and your facilities and programs before submitting a referral. Who can I speak to?

    Should you wish to explore our programs further, please reach out anytime to our Referral Relations Team at or call 1-416-644-6345