In need of treatment for a mental health disorder or addiction, but thinking of putting it off until after the holidays? Here’s why inpatient treatment during the holidays may be the right choice for you or someone you love.
The holiday season can be extremely stressful both for people struggling with addiction and their families.
Individuals with addictions may experience fear and shame as they feel they’re constantly deceiving or disappointing their family members. Also, their drug and alcohol use may be triggered by familial relationships. Family members, on the other hand, experience the pain of witnessing their loved one suffer or, worse, they may be directly harmed by the actions of their loved one who has a drug or alcohol addiction.
Consequently, both individuals with addiction, as well as their families, should consider whether the winter holiday season may actually be the ideal time of the year to seek inpatient treatment.

Treatment can’t wait.
Spending the holidays in an addiction and mental health facility may not be what you imagined for yourself or a loved one, especially after spending a few holidays apart during the pandemic. However, at our facilities across Canada, we work to make the holidays special for our patients. We host holiday movie nights, ornament-making workshops, and, of course, share great food.
But most importantly, treatment during the holidays means not putting it off any longer. The sooner someone who is struggling with an addiction or mental health disorder begins treatment, the sooner they can be on the path to recovery.

Considering treatment for yourself?
Being in treatment is never easy, especially when it means being away from your family during a time of year that’s supposed to be about togetherness. But our alumni agree that if you’re living with drug or alcohol addiction, being at an inpatient drug rehab centre and starting your addiction recovery during the holidays is the best gift you could give yourself and the people who care about you the most.

It will be tough, but it will be okay. Remember, this is just one holiday season out of many, just one holiday away from home. Think of it as an investment of time that will help you be your best self—both for you and for your family. Focus on getting better, and imagine all the future holidays with your family and what they’ll be like when you’re living in recovery.
If you’re with your family during the holidays, they may be worried about what you might do. If you avoid them during the holidays, they may be worried about where you are and whether you’re safe. The best place to be during the holidays is at an inpatient drug rehab centre, because your family will know you’re safe, cared for, and working on getting better.
Also, spending the holidays in treatment means meeting new people who understand where you’re coming from. Together, you will forge new friendships, creating a strong network of recovery. These are people you may stay in touch with for the rest of your life.

So don’t sweat the small stuff. Starting an inpatient drug or alcohol treatment program and working on your recovery this holiday season will allow you to escape the hectic mayhem you may have grown to dread.
At EHN Canada facilities, we really try to make the holiday season feel special and memorable for our patients. Many patients have told us that the holiday season they spent at an EHN Canada facility was their best holiday season ever!
Looking for treatment for a loved one?
We know it may feel uncomfortable or strange to not have your loved one with you during the holidays, especially after the past few years. But think about the new memories you can look forward to creating with them during future holiday seasons. If you send them for inpatient drug or alcohol treatment now, they can start working on their recovery and getting better right now.

It may seem difficult not having them home but remember how painful it was to have them home but not really there. At EHN Canada, we’ll care for them like family and they won’t be alone. We also have family programs to provide support for you—so if you’re struggling, please reach out. Our Family Counsellors will help you get through it.
Your loved one may be a bit sad or homesick in the beginning, but they will be safe and around people who care for them and can relate to them—it’s preparation for many more holidays to come. Remember that healing is a process, so you’ll have to stick it out and let the process carry through. Your loved one will be home when they’re ready and there will be happy and joyous times ahead.
With drug and alcohol addictions, the sooner someone gets treatment, the better So, starting to work on their addiction recovery during the holidays may likely be the best choice for your loved one and your family.
How to talk to your loved one about treatment
If you’re not sure how to talk to your loved one about sending them to get treatment, you’ll find useful information and strategies in our article about how to help someone with drug addiction or alcoholism.
If your loved one has a severe drug or alcohol addiction and is harming themselves or your family and they’re refusing treatment, please read our guide to getting a loved one into rehab.
Recovery is possible. We can help.
If you’d like to learn more about the addiction and mental health treatment programs provided by EHN Canada, enrol yourself, or refer a loved one, please call us at 416-644-6345.